TS/D Agency
Logo Ideas
Date: 13/05/2018
Platforma co-working does not need just a logo. The variety of activities is so huge, that simple branding just will not cover all aspects and will limit the brand in a future.

Thus we propose to develop flexible identity structure, that will bring a strong sense of the brand, but will be adaptive enough to cover all aspects of the evolution.

In other words, we assign a big extent of the elements to be evolving, but will give strong vectors where we can move. What is obvious at the beginning — the Identity should be simple enough to be combined into some more complicated structures, which will result in some certain features of brand's extensions.

Several brand messages are also included in this presentation, as soon as the direction will be chosen, our task will be to deepen them enough to shape up perfectly working brand essence.
version 4
Space for Freedom
You are free to choose what life you live, what work you do and how you do it. This idea shows the full freedom which co-working could give. The logo is a adaptable letter P, which volume could be filled just with anything — from classic art, to futuristic minimalism.
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
Version 1/1
Lago di Braies
Lago di Braies
Thank You!
(с) Tough Slate Design / 2018 / toughslatedesign.com